A student’s needs and goals for the session determine how we devote our time.
My approach is responsive to each individual student — based on formative feedback and getting to know them personally.
In sessions, learning is active and engaging (e.g. reading aloud and/or listening, discussing a text, practicing multiple-choice questions, working through practice sentences, generating ideas for writing, developing a piece of writing).
AP English courses focus on the close reading of college-level texts as well as essay writing. With detailed feedback and discussion, using AP rubrics for assessment, students hone their essay-writing skills.
The English portions of the ACT and SAT focus on grammar, sentence fluency, and structure. Using focused practice and deliberate strategies helps students attain skills and confidence, earning higher overall scores.
Through every level of high school English, to writing college essays senior year, working one-on-one helps students master fundamentals, improve fluency, and generate polished, original, and compelling pieces.